Professor McCallum's Provost Forum Lecture on his Research
I am curious to see how many of you can make connections between the "predictable factors" that Professor McCallum mentioned and the factors that affect the children you tutor at Urban Kidz or that affect the women and men you serve at the shelters. Let me remind you of these factors: self esteem, hopelessness, expectations about adulthood, closeness to the mother, degree of parental monitoring, presence of family rules, peer influences, age, and gender
I'm also curious to hear how many of you have heard the children at Urban Kidz talk about the risk taking behaviors of violence (weapons, fights, gang membership) substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco, drugs) and sexual behavior (children, pregnancy, intercourse).
Without naming names, please comment on the connections you see between the social science statistics that McCallum presented and the real-life case studies you encounter every week. Don't try to cover the whole list. Be specific, and go into some detail.